
Do you want to kick-start your creative journey or take the next steps in your career or business but are not sure how?

With over 20 years of business experience, 15 years of my own creative practice, and 5 years coaching individuals and businesses, I can help you gain clarity on your direction and guide you in making your dream a reality.

As a qualified coach, I can help you with:

  • Financial awareness

  • Branding

  • Marketing

  • Expanding your market

  • Business management

  • Vision & goals

  • Unblocking creativity

  • Defining your practice

  • Procrastination

  • Time management


  • A pre-session questionnaire for you to complete

  • 1-1 sessions online or by telephone



Recommended. This includes your Initial one-on-one consultation and 5 x 1hr sessions over 6 months.

Payment plan available.



In this initial one-on-one consultation we get to know one another and I get to understand your needs and we make a plan going forwards.

75 mins



Sessions booked after completing the initial consultation and are on a more ad-hoc basis, as and when needed, according to your plan.


If you have any questions about coaching, I’d be delighted to help. Please use the form below:

A whole-person approach to attain powerful & sustainable results in personal & business growth
— Erin Ward

Erin achieved her certificate level ACCT in Coaching at Oasis School of Human Relations which is accredited by the Association for Coaching and abides by The Global Code of Ethics for Coaches.


“Erin has incredible intuition and combined with her kind, gentle and compassionate style and with some laser focus questions, really helped me gain a better understanding of myself so I could take some necessary steps. A very competent coach who immediately gained my complete trust.


“I found my sessions with Erin extremely beneficial both professionally & personally. Her knowledge and understanding of looking at your business as a reflection of yourself & how important it is especially as a small business, to understand yourself was key in making me move forwards with my own business. Erin inspires confidence and every session made me feel extremely positive.”


“Through Erin’s coaching, I was able to view my work life and personal life as separate things. She guided me to take a moment to think about my career motivations and aspirations. Her supportive, human centred approach helped me to set a series of practical goals that were achievable in a realistic time frame and ultimately, on to a career path more favourable of my passions and interests.”